Spot Analyse

A collection of useful functions for spot analysis.

fredtools.fitSpotProfile(pos, vec, cutLevel=0, fixAmplitude=False, fixCentreToZero=False, method='singleGauss')

Fit a gaussian-like function to profile.

The function fits a gaussian-like function defined by method to a profile defined as pos and vec parameters, where they are vectors of positions and values, respectively.

  • pos (array_like 1xN) – An iterable with the positions of the values.

  • vec (array_like 1xN) – An iterable with the values correcponding to pos.

  • cutLevel (scalar, optional) – Fraction of the maximum value of vec for which the fit will be performed.

  • fixAmplitude (bool, optional) – Fix the amplitude to the maximum value of vec and do not use it in the fitting. (def. False)

  • fixCentreToZero (bool, optional) – Fix the centre to zero and do not use it in the fitting. (def. False)

  • method ({"singleGauss"}, optional) – Method of the fitting. Only single gaussian fitting is implemented now. (def. “singleGauss”)


An instance of lmfit.model.ModelResult class.

Return type:
